Environmentally friendly, sustainable, and cost-effective designs are simply smart in the current climate. Long-term thinking, up front, makes a big difference to the future value of a building.
Our sustainability team use a range of specialist tools to provide expert analysis and recommendations for building owners to plan their projects. These include due diligence and energy audits, NABERSNZ & Green Star assessments, condition assessment Reports, daylight modelling, H1 energy analysis reports and whole of life embodied carbon assessments.
Kaitiakitanga is central to our “why”. It is at the heart of our focus on sustainability. The concept of guardianship of sky, sea, and land to preserve the environment for future generations is incorporated into everything we do. As a founding member of the New Zealand Green Building Council, we have long been committed to sustainable solutions. In practice this means systems which meet current and long term needs while minimising impact on the environment. We propose many ways to reduce consumption and maximise passive sources of light, air, water, and energy. This saves money, reduces waste, and helps our clients show their commitment to sustainability
A high NABERNZ rating means lower operating costs and a more attractive space for potential tenants. NABERSNZ is a leading NZ rating system that measures and evaluates the environmental performance of an office. A NABERSNZ rating benchmarks an office’s energy efficiency and identifies opportunities to improve performance. It’s becoming the market norm, with the NZ government stipulating their tenancies must be in at least 4-star NABERSNZ rated offices.
Our fully certified team offers the full suite of NABERSNZ services, from initial survey and advice to reporting and certifying a building with NZGBC. We go beyond the basics of assessment and certification and provide a roadmap of possible energy saving measures which would enhance the rating further.
Homestar is fast becoming the gold standard for the residential building industry and is already mandatory for new Kainga Ora dwellings. Homestar rated new homes add value and appeal for purchasers. A Homestar certification at the NZGBC means a healthier, warmer, more comfortable house. It has lower energy and water use, and a performance exceeding the minimum requirements of the building code.
Homestar ensures a design minimises environmental impact and reduces its carbon footprint. Rated homes are more energy efficient which saves money on energy bills and helps protect the planet at the same time.
Our skilled team of certified Homestar Designers and Assessors are accredited with the NZGBC. They work closely with design teams on developments, advising on Homestar requirements and guiding the design process. They can also manage the application to NZGBC and provide both design and built Homestar ratings for homes.
Greenstar ratings with NZGBC (New Zealand Green Building Council) are highly regarded and a major marker of the sustainability of a building. Greenstar includes energy use, water savings, waste management through ensuring the selection of responsibly and sustainably sourced materials. Planning a renovation or new build of a commercial, educational, community or special purpose building? Greenstar is a powerful tool to ensure that your building is designed and constructed to be environmentally friendly, highly energy-efficient, and healthy for its occupants.
The bottom-line impact sees more spent up front but savings on running costs long term. This attracts tenants who want to save both money and the environment. Reducing a building’s carbon footprint is a key consideration today. In the current environment we are seeing a shift from large investors towards backing projects with credible sustainable credentials. In New Zealand, for non-residential projects Greenstar is the go-to rating system.
Our sustainability team includes Greenstar Accredited Professionals with the NZGBC. We help clients from concept through to completion of a project to obtain both Greenstar Design and As-Built ratings.
Embodied Carbon Whole of Life Assessment Reports
Big changes to legislation are on the horizon that will see assessments of the embodied carbon of a building form part of every building consent submission from 2025. It’s already mandatory for the Ministry of Education and part of the new versions of Homestar and Greenstar.
Embodied carbon is all the greenhouse gas emissions involved in getting materials out of the ground, manufactured into a product, transported to site, constructed into a building, maintained over their life span and in their final re-use and recyclability.
Embodied carbon does not cover the emissions associated with the energy used by the building, that forms part of operational carbon which can be assessed under one of our other key energy tools; NABERSNZ or Greenstar.
Our expert carbon assessors can guide you on the most sustainably sourced and low carbon options for your building. We use a myriad of market leading tools in our assessments, as well as industry recognized standards and benchmarks.